
Our Essence is the Spiritual and Physical manifestations of what the Divine Source wants for us. Our Essence desires to be it's Full-self on all Planes.



My name is Georgia and I am (at the time of writing) 31 years old. I live in Germany, just outside Munich, along with my other half and little old-lady cat. I have been here since August 2003 after my company decided to relocate from London.

Reiki discovered me in 2003, when I was attuned in a workshop in St. Albans, just north of London. That particular weekend transformed my life, and I knew from that moment that Reiki was going to be an integral part of my life. The excitement I felt after my first attunement was so powerful, I was giving everyone and everything I could lay my hands on (literally!) healing for the first few weeks  ;D ;D 8)

It wasn't until 2005 that I continued with my Reiki II, and Reiki III in 2006, after finding SRI when someone close to me was in much need of distant healing.

Last autumn I was also attuned to Ethereal Crystals by another SRI member, and have grown to love crystals, and am continuously adding to my ever-growing collection  :D ;D

I give healing to friends, family and sometimes work colleagues, as well as distant healing through this website. Looking ahead a few years, my ultimate vocation would be to run a little treatment centre where people can come for healing and advice, but we shall see what is in store for me  ;)

This is the first forum I joined, and I was, and still am, in awe of all the advice and non-judgemental help that is given by each and every person here. I am well and truly delighted to have found this site.  :-* :-* :D :D

I am very chuffed and extremely proud to have been asked to be a mod ;D ;D ;D

Love from Georgia xx  :-* :-*