
        Just for today... I will not worry, I will not anger, I will do my work Honestly, I will give Thanks, I will Honour all living beings



The following meditation is said to be the meditation taught by Gautama Buddha about 2500 years ago. The primary focus is your breathing. However, the primary goal is maintaining a calm, non-judging awareness, allowing thoughts, feelings, and sensations to come and go without getting enmeshed in them. This calm, accepting, spacious awareness is your Core Self... your Essence.
Steps of Mindfulness Meditation
1.   Sit comfortably, with your eyes closed, your spine reasonably straight.
2.   Let your attention rest on your breathing.
3.   When thoughts, emotions, physical sensations, or external sounds arise, simply acknowledge and accept them, allowing them to pass through without judging or getting involved with them.
4.   When you notice your attention has gotten engaged in thoughts, emotions, or sensations, bring it back to your breathing and continue.
Benefits of this meditation:
•   Maintaining your calm inner awareness, balance & clarity in the midst of any situation.
•   A gradual shift to a higher level of consciousness... centered in the peace, joy & freedom of your Spirit.
•   Increased insight & clarity... seeing things truly, as they are.
•   Stress reduction.


Be who you IS and not who you ain't.  Cause people who IS leads the most happiest lives.
Sending Healing, Reiki, Love.


MINDFULNESS is the thing!!

Great posting, thanks Lalith!!

Love, Johan
"There is no way to happiness - happiness is the way" (the buddha)

Che Guebuddha

Can you please move this into Reiki and Meditation bord please :-)

We can continue on this topic over there.

Everything works if you let it be. A Sage does nothing and yet achieves everything.


Quote from: Che GeUsui on November 13, 2010, 03:38:18 PM
Can you please move this into Reiki and Meditation bord please :-)

We can continue on this topic over there.


Please tell us about your profile pic.

Be who you IS and not who you ain't.  Cause people who IS leads the most happiest lives.
Sending Healing, Reiki, Love.

Che Guebuddha

There is nothing to tell about the pic. Why? Is the Gestapo after me? Haha ha lol

Thanks for moving the post.
Everything works if you let it be. A Sage does nothing and yet achieves everything.

Che Guebuddha

Naropa wrote;
This topic has been moved to Reiki and Meditation.
...   It is related to meditation.

It indeed Is meditation. Folk gets confused about both reiki and meditation by thinking they both are only practices. Meditation Is Mindfulness. Practicing meditation/mindfulness is what we do daily on the cushion so to become more mindful off of the cusion in the real life where it actualy matters. Thanks to mindfulness there is less Reacting and more Responding and therefore less stressful situations.

The same can be applied to the practice of Reiki. It is just a practice but living according to Gokai Is what actualy counts in the real life. The Gokai Is Mindfulness.
But in accordance to live by the Gokai one Is to practice mindfulness by becoming aware of the creator of suffering and that is the conditioned self. This self can only be seen with the flashlight of awareness. Sitting silently and observing it until it disolves.

Tenohira is also about practicing Mindfulness. By placing our palms on a certain body part we become increasingly aware of it and the energy flow comes to Be.

That said! Reiki is not about energy channeling (even though it does happen on its own accord once mindfulness kicks in and the ego disolves) but about Mindfulness which is freeing us from the very core of suffering. As Krishnamurti puts it; Freedom From The Known ;)

Liberta! LoL
Everything works if you let it be. A Sage does nothing and yet achieves everything.

Che Guebuddha

QuotePlease tell us about your profile pic.

I cant tell much about the pic but I am certain that I entered the Dark Night of The Soul. My daily Shamatha practice had led me into it and I wasnt aware of what it is until a friend send me an article explaining this phenomena which is aparently a very expected thing on the meditators path. The problem starts when people dont know what the heck is going on and start fighting thier partners, frineds, bosses, customers, the global situation ... everyhtimng turns Dark and extremely negative. I know now that this negativity and darkness is all Me.

That said please do not take anything serious in the next couple of weeks, month or years (depending on how well I pass this stage) that I say or write. Or even if I choose an even better Avatar or yet again change my user name, for example  ;)  ;D

Any who the situation is rough and I feel like the floor under my feet is disapearing. The world seems not to have much sense. and so on.

Wish me good luck and as less turbulence while flying through this dark cloud of illusions. I better fasten my seatbelt now!

Ta Ta friends  :)
Everything works if you let it be. A Sage does nothing and yet achieves everything.


I think your friend is correct.  Good luck as you pass through this life experience of yours.

Be who you IS and not who you ain't.  Cause people who IS leads the most happiest lives.
Sending Healing, Reiki, Love.


Quote from: Che Gueusui on November 20, 2010, 07:05:32 PM
Or even if I choose an even better Avatar or yet again change my user name, for example  ;)  ;D

HeeHee ... that's so funny... maybe next time you get the urge to change your user name you should make a poll of your top three possibilities... put it to the vote and we could choose for your.... it could be fun :) ;D

....btw, you'll always be Rose Quartz to me : :-* :) :P

Quote from: Che Gueusui on November 20, 2010, 07:05:32 PM
Wish me good luck and as less turbulence while flying through this dark cloud of illusions. I better fasten my seatbelt now!

Very very very Best and Most Sincere Wishes ;) :)


Much to my dismay....Or perhaps chagrin.....

What You Resist Persists.
Be who you IS and not who you ain't.  Cause people who IS leads the most happiest lives.
Sending Healing, Reiki, Love.