
        Just for today... I will not worry, I will not anger, I will do my work Honestly, I will give Thanks, I will Honour all living beings

Meditate with Che on SRI- Journal


Quote from: Che GeUsui on November 04, 2010, 10:28:10 AM
Just for testing what such meditation means I stopped meditating for approx a week (last week) and soon after I felt my angry self coming out of the shadow into the light of reality. I started feeling uneasy, agitated, being rude to my customers, rude towards my wife I even made her cry last night ...

If you can pinpoint the trigger for that anger - the 'external' stimulus, which prompt you to react with anger (maybe you already know what it is); then you could work towards finding a healthy, non-harmful, non-destructive physical expression/release for that energy...

I think then, your 'internal' work - meditation etc... rather than using to 'keep your head on' (if that makes sense); would then develop into a compartmentalised time of day (I mean your meditation) which you could look forward too... as though you were looking forward to meeting someone that you're in love with... know what it's when you're freshly in love... suddenly those daily irritants seem like nothing... your consciousness is expanded... you have a certain freedom.... which makes everything simply slide off you... and in looking forward to that special meditation time of day.... that in itself leads to easy mindfulness/awareness etc...

Just some thoughts :)

Equally friendly,



Quote from: strawberry on November 04, 2010, 05:00:36 PM
If you can pinpoint the trigger for that anger - the 'external' stimulus, which prompt you to react with anger (maybe you already know what it is); then you could work towards finding a healthy, non-harmful, non-destructive physical expression/release for that energy...

I think then, your 'internal' work - meditation etc... rather than using to 'keep your head on' (if that makes sense); would then develop into a compartmentalised time of day (I mean your meditation) which you could look forward too... as though you were looking forward to meeting someone that you're in love with... know what it's when you're freshly in love... suddenly those daily irritants seem like nothing... your consciousness is expanded... you have a certain freedom.... which makes everything simply slide off you... and in looking forward to that special meditation time of day.... that in itself leads to easy mindfulness/awareness through out the day etc...

Just some thoughts :)

Equally friendly,


Che Guebuddha

Strawberry my friend what are you talking about :) ? Call it a language barrier or not but could you put this into plain english for plain people ;)
Everything works if you let it be. A Sage does nothing and yet achieves everything.


Quote from: Che GeUsui on November 05, 2010, 07:46:15 AM
Strawberry my friend what are you talking about :) ? Call it a language barrier or not but could you put this into plain english for plain people ;)

Maybe her Echo can answer that. ::)



Quote from: Che GeUsui on November 05, 2010, 07:46:15 AM
Strawberry my friend what are you talking about :) ? Call it a language barrier or not but could you put this into plain english for plain people ;)

Nope... that's the only language I got....

(I don't know how the self-quote happened) ???

Aes Sedia

Wonderful Thread

I've been practicing samatha daily for about 2 months now. If I don't have the time to do a fifteen minute to half an hour session I cut it down to five minutes.
I at least start everyday with a 5 minute meditation before I go to work.

Since I began practicing I have seen a major change in my thought process. I have much more control over my thoughts and am able to stay away from negative thinking.

Thank you for the inspiring entries as always RQ

Che Guebuddha

Well done Aes :) keep at it, relaxed and calm yet awake and aware :)
Yes even 5 minutes is fine. Consistency is crutial. Daily practice is so important otherwise we might easily slip into status quo.

Friendly as always RQ :)
Everything works if you let it be. A Sage does nothing and yet achieves everything.