
Our Essence is the Spiritual and Physical manifestations of what the Divine Source wants for us. Our Essence desires to be it's Full-self on all Planes.

We are Human Beings not Human Doings

Che Guebuddha

as my teacher sais  :)

This is something we humans seem to be unaware of and always strafe for new achievements, new victories, new "look how good I am at this or that", new adrenalin rushes, etc ...

Something I have been debating all the time but had no idea how to debate it and probably still have no idea  ;D
I feel that practising Reiki without knowing my own mind is like me being blind leading other blind people across a busy junction.
Reiki is being channeled through our compassionate heart, but how to do that if my delusional mind is standing in the way all the time (trying to send stronger reiki, building up reiki balls, coming up with a better distance technique, etc ...).

I am a Reiki II practitioner, attuned to Reiki in April 2009. I believe that one can not be attune to anything, but instead one can attain it instead.
In my experience and opinion it is of great importance for a Reiki practitioner to know one self (the mind). This can be achieved through being mindful and this can be invoked by simply sitting and observing one self via insight meditation.
In meditation huge amounts of blocked energy are being released and new energy are flowing in and out in and out, pulsating with the Universe, as part of the Universe.

In Reiki we are not to Do anything but simply Be. Know your self, observe the observer, cling to nothing not even to Reiki Energy (it is just a name), nor to the Reiki System or Symbols (they are just  tools).
Train to know your mind, to still your mind. Like this you are opening your heart for compassion and kindness.

We are Human Beings not Human Doings

Remain relaxed

Love to all, RQ
Everything works if you let it be. A Sage does nothing and yet achieves everything.


HI Rose quartz,
Your post reminded me of this -> in my diary:

Trying to explain to someone who has always been blind what RED looks like is almost impossible as there is no frame of reference. However trying to explain to someone who is blind but was not always blind is just awakening what they already know.
This is what a reiki attunement does – it is training by example – at describes what frequencies are involved , it demonstrates the complexity of them as 'chords' in a certain 'key', and it runs them together into a tune – and so the recipient gets attuned (actually this is more active than it sounds as the recipient 'listens' and then has to learn it and play it back). The person already knows about chords and tunes but this allows them to re-play them back in the right manner. The channels are open for business.
For me this means that as a result of the different tunes resonating differently, that each recipient of reiki needs a different 'tune' for their problem – part of a reiki practitioner's experience is to find the right sub-tune needed for the energy to be most effective. The resonant harmonics coming from the recipient when receiving the healing energy give the clues to how to modify the tune and so a feedback loop is created – two souls communicating on an energetic level in an energetic language.

Next follow a series of spin-offs from this.

When two people get married (one hopes) they are in love – this is the 'new love', a volcano of emotions rather than the kind of love that an old married couple know. Sometimes as they grow together this energy – in the form of a 'tune' becomes known – often it does not and the marriage does not do well. In the past the nuclear family provided an example of the tune, the grandparents and parents, and so the newly-weds could understand the tune and nurture it, and not allow the volcano to mask it in the early days. It was a familiar and valued tune and the oldies attuned them to it. In today's world the priest or vicar provides the ceremony – often there are no relatives that can provide the tune, and the vicar or priest are often not  in possession of the tune, and can't demonstrate it. This leaves the newly-weds having to find the 'tune' themselves – in the same way some healers find the 'tune' by themselves. It is not as certain though and if the 'tune' is not found then the marriage may fail. By then there are often children – and the cycle gets worse as the parents still do not know the 'tune' and there is no-one to demonstrate it. So – for marriages I advocate an 'attunement' by a long-married, loving couple – someone to play the tune.

If this is correct then it applies much more widely. It explains why 'like' people get together – they are all playing the same tune. This clanning reinforces the tune being played. So ones friends are in the same mould, if you are divorced you will tend to have divorced friends, if you come from a family of divorce you are more likely to become a divorcee. Each of us goes around like a beacon broadcasting our tune and it attracts those whose tunes are most similar, and equally repels those who are most dissimilar.

When the tune becomes loud we become like a beacon – we radiate the tune for all to hear – this describes some of the most spiritual people, the healers who have walked through history, the people to whom animals have come without fear, those who can walk into a forest and cause no disturbance, those who walk with grace on this world. The tune bounces around our light-body, if it is in harmony it charges the colours and clears away the blockages, if it is not it creates blocked energy and sickness, then this describes some of the destroyer of history.
The energy of the tune is not physical energy, it is not brainwaves, it is spiritual energy. It is the same energy as healing energy – it is the energy of prayers. It can be deliberately targeted and broadcast to individuals, and it creates sympathetic resonance within, harmonics of the original that bring healing and love. It is also the same energy as loneliness and hate – it can create discordance and bring depression and anger, but for those with whom it resonates it will be heard. It depends on what the tune is and how it is sent, and who the listener is.

We can change – if we choose deliberately to mix with people with whom we have little or no resonance we will learn the tunes and begin to appreciate the melody – we become like them and we come to like them.  This is not always an easy choice, it means leaving the familiar tunes and having to learn new one – this is all part of life's journey. If we want to walk with grace we must learn the tune – it starts with love and compassion, with joy and an open heart, with a step that leaves no hurt. This is why so many who follow the spiritual path become vegetarians and healers, teachers and givers.
If we choose to ignore the hurt we cause, and walk with no regard for others, to live with hate and anger then we remain imprisoned and will never learn the tunes that set us free.



Hi ChrisH,

This^^^ reminded me of an entry in my diary:

Woke up 7:15am. Had Cornflakes with milk Soya Milk... Hmmm... Soya instead of dairy for quite some time... I thought I'd at least be levitating with healthiness or something by now - no such luck... and the cows, the cows when I walk past them in a field they don't even look grateful that I've eased the burden on their udders... they just, rather disgustingly, lick there own nostrils and giving me the evil-eye as I walk on by... if I ever bump into a Soya Bean - well...all I can say is... I just bet Soya Beans are completely misunderstood!

I listened intently to the birds as I ate my breakfast, trying to tune into the secret message contained in their bird song, which was intended for me and me alone. After much bog standard - 'tweet tweet twitter twitter' their sound waves rose into the thin morning air, became ever so faintly and semi-transparently visible to me, remained static for just a nano second (that seemed like an eternity) and spelt out the following message:

"Get a life you flippin muppet. The last, uncatchable cornflake in the bowl isn't poetic it is Just a flippin cornflake that deserves to be eaten to death!!!"

^^^This response is in no way, shape or form 'sarcastic'  - honest! :)

Che Guebuddha

At Chris;

Beautiful :)

at strawberry;

LoL :()
Everything works if you let it be. A Sage does nothing and yet achieves everything.


Love it.  You strive for higher aspirations, you get a glimps of the world, then all the negative in your way comes up for you to look at.  You get a chance to move on !
Quote from: strawberry on July 15, 2010, 08:20:01 PM
Hi ChrisH,

This^^^ reminded me of an entry in my diary:

Woke up 7:15am. Had Cornflakes with milk Soya Milk... Hmmm... Soya instead of dairy for quite some time... I thought I'd at least be levitating with healthiness or something by now - no such luck... and the cows, the cows when I walk past them in a field they don't even look grateful that I've eased the burden on their udders... they just, rather disgustingly, lick there own nostrils and giving me the evil-eye as I walk on by... if I ever bump into a Soya Bean - well...all I can say is... I just bet Soya Beans are completely misunderstood!

I listened intently to the birds as I ate my breakfast, trying to tune into the secret message contained in their bird song, which was intended for me and me alone. After much bog standard - 'tweet tweet twitter twitter' their sound waves rose into the thin morning air, became ever so faintly and semi-transparently visible to me, remained static for just a nano second (that seemed like an eternity) and spelt out the following message:

"Get a life you flippin muppet. The last, uncatchable cornflake in the bowl isn't poetic it is Just a flippin cornflake that deserves to be eaten to death!!!"

^^^This response is in no way, shape or form 'sarcastic'  - honest! :)
Be who you IS and not who you ain't.  Cause people who IS leads the most happiest lives.
Sending Healing, Reiki, Love.


Hi Strawberry,
lol - I am glad that your post was not sarcastic, it was a bit weird and I think I sense a lot of frustration and even anger lying behind it for some reason.
I have been an angry person, I have been frustrated so perhaps all I sense is an echo of me, I'm not sure.
However just for you, another entry from my diary  (and happily it is in the right sub-forum)

Balloon Meditation – adapted by Chris

1) You are standing on the edge of a field, looking into the field you see a hot air balloon, look at the colours and patterns on the balloon, walk over to the balloon, feel the cool grass under your feet.

2) You reach the balloon, rest your hand on the wicker basket, hear the burner gently waiting to be used.

3) Climb into the basket, look down, there are seven sandbags holding the balloon down. If you are to fly the bags must be removed.

4) Pick up the red bag, feel the weight, feel the contents – it is not sand. Understand that these are your base chakra issues and blockages, you have been carrying these round with you, it is time to release them. Weigh them up, open the bag and look inside, what do you see? Examine it cleary for it is a reflection of your personal issues that weigh you down. Summon up the strength to lift them and rest them on the side of the basket, now say to them "you are no longer needed, I will be rid of you from this time, you will not burden me any further" and heave them over the side. Have no regrets – they are gone – ask the earth to absorb them – see them disappear. There is no need to understand what they were, where they came from or when they were formed – they are gone. Feel the surge of energy reach your now unburdened base chakra – The balloon moves a bit – enjoying its partial release.

5) Repeat for each coloured bag. In each case feel the contents, or take the bag and – some are liquid, some are solid, some heavy and others not. In each case open the bag, examine the contents carefully for these are the things that weigh you down, discharge them and tell them  "you are no longer needed, I will be rid of you from this time, you will not burden me any further" In each case the energy rises a bit further.

6) As you discharge the contents of violet bag the balloon lifts gently, and you are flying. Look down – no visible remains of the contents of the bags can be seen, thank the earth for its help. Feel the energy running up and down the chakras freely now.

7) Open Each bag starting with the red one and allow sunlight to flood into it, cleansing the bag and filling it with healing energy.

8) When you are ready look up, there is a cord, pull it and the balloon will sink back to earth. Climb out and turn to thank the balloon, walk away and then look back, the balloon will wait until you need it again.


Quote from: strawberry on July 15, 2010, 08:20:01 PM
Hi ChrisH,

This^^^ reminded me of an entry in my diary:

Woke up 7:15am. Had Cornflakes with milk Soya Milk... Hmmm... Soya instead of dairy for quite some time... I thought I'd at least be levitating with healthiness or something by now - no such luck... and the cows, the cows when I walk past them in a field they don't even look grateful that I've eased the burden on their udders... they just, rather disgustingly, lick there own nostrils and giving me the evil-eye as I walk on by... if I ever bump into a Soya Bean - well...all I can say is... I just bet Soya Beans are completely misunderstood!

I listened intently to the birds as I ate my breakfast, trying to tune into the secret message contained in their bird song, which was intended for me and me alone. After much bog standard - 'tweet tweet twitter twitter' their sound waves rose into the thin morning air, became ever so faintly and semi-transparently visible to me, remained static for just a nano second (that seemed like an eternity) and spelt out the following message:

"Get a life you flippin muppet. The last, uncatchable cornflake in the bowl isn't poetic it is Just a flippin cornflake that deserves to be eaten to death!!!"

^^^This response is in no way, shape or form 'sarcastic'  - honest! :)


Hello again ChrisH,

Thanks for more lovliness from your diary ^^

Quotelol - I am glad that your post was not sarcastic, it was a bit weird and I think I sense a lot of frustration and even anger lying behind it for some reason.

Frustration, yes. Naropa's post seems to be resonating with me:

QuoteLove it.  You strive for higher aspirations, you get a glimps of the world, then all the negative in your way comes up for you to look at.  You get a chance to move on !
