
        Just for today... I will not worry, I will not anger, I will do my work Honestly, I will give Thanks, I will Honour all living beings

Strange experience during guided meditation


I apologize in advance if I've posted this in the wrong area, it seemed to fit... maybe not.

While not new to healing, actually practicing and setting aside time to quiet my mind is something I've only been doing in the past year and with more frequency within the last few months. While I do sit quietly and go within without assistance I have found a few guided meditations that I've had wonderful experiences and insights with. Last week while listening to a guided meditation that has provided answers, information, symbols, and other information in the past I had a strange, maybe frightening, experience.

After a lengthy process of moving to a higher plane and strengthening your reiki, you go to and open a chest that is filled with information from your spirit guides. Anything I've seen before has been positive, or at least neutral, but at least something I can understand and know the purpose of seeing it. I open this chest the last time and out pops this demonic looking creature that was only a head, maybe arms, and took a huge bite out of my abdomen/solar plexus area. The horrible looking thing did this and went back into the chest and the lid slammed shut. Normally there's more of the meditation that follows but I was jarred back to reality and just sat quietly after.

I am wondering what this could have meant. Have you had a similar experience? I have been focusing on past issues relating to being overweight. Even using affirmations to change and release old patterns - this is the possible reason?

Che Guebuddha

Hi auxitrooper and welcome to SRI  :)

I did have similar experience during a few Reiki healing sessions where I could "see" demons attached to persons back or in one case it even jumped on me.

It is very good you are sitting in meditation and calming your mind. I feel that meditation is a VERY important part of the reiki healing system.
I understand that it is much easier following guided meditations but sooner or later to be discarded and on is to face one self as one is  :)  no one can guide you into a subtle world of your self  :)  you must go there on your own, totally alone.

I suggest you start sitting with your own self to know your self to get to know your own mind, your conditioned you, observing your fears and anger, your desires and aversions.

How can you tell whether this "demon" was not only a fragment of your imagination, your monkey mind's imagination  :)

It is easy going back into "seeing visions" but not that easy knowing one self. Try and sit in silence observing nothing more but one self as one is at that very moment in life.
I would suggest you Shamatha to start with;
Sit calming your body and brining mind attention to your whole body breathing (without focusing on anything otherwise you might end up self hypnotising ). As soon you see your mind becoming busy bring your attention to the whole body breathing back again, but gently and do not beat your self over not being able to keep calm mind for long periods of time. The mind will follow the relaxed body.

Fear comes only from not knowing one self :-)  sit alone with your own self and leave those guided meditations aside (say thanks to them but do let go of them).

To inspire you on this journey I would recommend this short but fantastic read;

If you need more help please ask :-)

Remain relaxed, RQ
Everything works if you let it be. A Sage does nothing and yet achieves everything.

Che Guebuddha

Hi auxitrooper :)
How are you feeling these days? Any updates?

All the best!
Friendly Che
Everything works if you let it be. A Sage does nothing and yet achieves everything.