
Our Essence is the Spiritual and Physical manifestations of what the Divine Source wants for us. Our Essence desires to be it's Full-self on all Planes.

DIY Seiza Bench :-)

Che Guebuddha

Hallo friends,

for those having problems with sitting in Seiza or even cross legged here is a good solution. I started having serious pain in my hips and knees and the sitting session would turn into pain.
I decided to do something about it and I found on another forum these very useful links  :D

DIY Seiza Bench;

And here is my Seiza bench. From now on sitting in meditation is painless  ;D

Everything works if you let it be. A Sage does nothing and yet achieves everything.

Che Guebuddha

A few tips;

before starting to meditate in Seiza position strech your self abit and rotate both of your enkles clock-wise and then counter clock-wise to warm them up a bit. This should be done after the sitting session is over too.
Without this warm up the enkles might actualy hurt next time you sit in Seiza.

Remain relaxed  :)
Everything works if you let it be. A Sage does nothing and yet achieves everything.


That is an excellent looking Seiza Bench RQ... did you have the wood sawn for you, or did you sand it down, because the edges look very smooth :) One minor criticism... I can't quite read the titles of your books in the background of your pics... that's a little bit annoying if you don't mind my saying so ;) :)

Che Guebuddha

It was a ready made wooden shelf which I cut in 3 peaces and screwed them together. It took me about half an hour to do it :-)

And about the books, they belong to my wife but but next time I might zoom in a bit more if you behave  ;)

Remain relaxed  :)
Everything works if you let it be. A Sage does nothing and yet achieves everything.