
Our Essence is the Spiritual and Physical manifestations of what the Divine Source wants for us. Our Essence desires to be it's Full-self on all Planes.

Understanding Gokai via Fcuk Fear

Che Guebuddha

The Gokai;

Just for today (Kyo dake wa):

Don't get angry (Okoru na*)

Don't worry (Shinpai su na)

Be grateful (Kansha shite)

Work hard (Gyo wo hage me)

Be kind to others (Hito ni shinsetsu ni)

Where does all that anger and worry come from?
Why is one ignorant and lazy?
Why is one pround instead of humble?
Why is one unkind and rude to others?

All this above comes from only one thing and that is Fear! So how to remove this fear?

I would like to introduce you to a lovely book which just might help you understand the five Gokai better;
I present you this free pdf book called Fcuk Fear
NOTE; EDIT; To get to the link please scroll down a few replies since the first link apeared broken for some reason, THANKS!

As always
Remain relaxed  :)
Everything works if you let it be. A Sage does nothing and yet achieves everything.


Quote from: Rose Quartz on July 18, 2010, 09:55:52 PM
The Gokai;

Just for today (Kyo dake wa):

Don't get angry (Okoru na*)

Don't worry (Shinpai su na)

Be grateful (Kansha shite)

Work hard (Gyo wo hage me)

Be kind to others (Hito ni shinsetsu ni)

Where does all that anger and worry come from?
Why is one ignorant and lazy?
Why is one pround instead of humble?
Why is one unkind and rude to others?

All this above comes from only one thing and that is Fear! So how to remove this fear?

I would like to introduce you to a lovely book which just might help you understand the five Gokai better;
I present you this free pdf book called "Fcuk Fear"

As always
Remain relaxed  :)


I'm addressing this post and a couple others I've seen you make over the last couple days.

I'm gonna be a bit judgmental, so have a little patience with me.

First off, this link, and another you've posted recently are both dead, they deliver me to a search engine of sorts.

Secondly, I fear you've lost your way, but don't don't worry, it's only a temporary thing that I'm certain you'll work your way through.

RQ, Reiki, like any other good thing, takes time to fully manifest itself into our lives.  It doesn't just POP onto the scene, making everything sparkly clean, and turn us into wonder healers, fit to storm across the countryside passing waves of healing energy, and giving costly attunements to the masses.  Please don't let it get around, but that's not what Reiki is supposed to do anyway.

Now mind you, I am not the one to be telling anybody what Reiki IS.   I have no definitive answers, except for the ones that feel right for me, and I'll try to share some of them with you here.

To me Reiki seems to be a kind and gentle energy that I had to be introduced to via attunement because, to be very honest, I'm not a real kind and gentle person by nature.  When I'm in the energy, which is nearly all the time for the last dozen years, I'm satisfied with the condition of "things" in general.  Reiki brings on an instant meditative state  whenever I intend to experience peace.  It's a tool I never had at my disposal before and I've been using it since my first attunement.  Because of this I've considered the primary purpose of the energy to be one of personal spiritual development. 

I find that I am most at ease when I allow others to use the energy for their own purposes.  This is a very important point my friend.  You see many people, myself included, get into Reiki with grand ideas.  We want to heal others for free, or we want to heal others for money, or we want to heal others for chickens and vegetables, or we want to be great Master/Teachers.  Maybe we want to intuitively discover our own special brand of Reiki.  The grand ideas go on and on.  I used to try to convince so many people that they were right or they were wrong in the way they were attempting to use or abuse this wonder energy that I couldn't see I wasn't doing anything but disturbing myself.

When I finally sat back and let the energy flow, finally started watching myself, started listening to what the monkey wanted me to do, I started laughing.  Laughing at me.  Laughing at 300 different kinds of Reiki.  Laughing at thousands of people with money rushing around trying to find some one to tech them 300 different sets of rules.  But laughing mostly at me because they and I are the same.  We are one.  If I am laughing we're all laughing, whether we know it or not.

I don't have much time for fight anymore, I don't have time for struggle.  It's why I'll generally make suggestions and step away, I'm not in for debate.  The energy is too gentle, kind, and loving for me to live in it and entertain thoughts of how to convince people that my way is the right way.  I'd rather call on the energy, hit the floor and cuddle with my dogs, or sit and watch the monkey  ;-)

Che Guebuddha

Hi biminidave,

QuoteFirst off, this link, and another you've posted recently are both dead, they deliver me to a search engine of sorts.

Yes the forums engine is filtering the F word out of the link so please follow this this link and on the side bar to the right is a link to the book called Fcuk Fear, please.  :)

QuoteSecondly, I fear you've lost your way, but don't don't worry, it's only a temporary thing that I'm certain you'll work your way through.

After sitting in Shamatha for the last few month lots of crap came out of the depths of my disturbed mind in the last week or so. So much crap I almost stopped with my meditation practice (Ego-self panicing BIG TIME). I was actualy so much in panic that I ran back into the rituals of Hatsurei Ho  ;D
But I am slowly creeping into Shamatha yet again making baby steps towards the ME IN FEAR. I kind of feel a bit lighter I must say.
And I never had my way, ever. That is why I am torturing the one we call my self with silence to get into my way which is in the now. :)

QuoteI'd rather call on the energy, hit the floor and cuddle with my dogs, or sit and watch the monkey

Good way to Be. I am soon getting a dog my self called Lagotto Romagnolo and I am very open for this incoming relationship  :)

Thank for your kind words.
Everything works if you let it be. A Sage does nothing and yet achieves everything.