
        Just for today... I will not worry, I will not anger, I will do my work Honestly, I will give Thanks, I will Honour all living beings

A Little About Myself


I don't feel that I can tell you the most important things about myself, because I feel that for the rest of my time on the forums, I would b seen as insane.  So, this first post is about Misunderstandings.

I am older than you can imagine.  My years go far beyond what can be easily comprehended.  I have a lot of wisdom, but it doesn't always show. I am a bit of a comedian; so, try not to be offended or to think I'm stupid, if I ever joke with you.  I'd never purposely offend you.

I have beliefs that may be different from most other people.  I believe everything is true, because I believe in dimensions.  Dimensions never meant other three dimensional places.  What it has always actually meant is:  Other lines or sets of points connected, making up part of reality.

One dimensions is a line of points, an x coordinant, length.  A second dimension would make it a plane, a set of lines of points, an x coordinant and a y coordinant, length and width.  A third dimension makes it to where an object has length, width, and height. 

But the point of me explaining what a dimension is, is so that I can explain that there are more dimensions than you are familiar with.

There is a fourth dimension and two others that I have had proven to me.  These are dimension of time.  There are also dimensions like dimensions of love, and the many dimensions of dreams.  (By the way, astral projections was always breaking your dreams; so, just dream, and have hope instead of astral projections.  Say a prayer about it, if you've ever astral projected; there are beings who want to help.)

I believe everything that everyone says.  Even the devil, the father of lies, I believe that everything that he ever says is true, but lies are just a big pit in the dimensions of truth, and if you're not blind to the truth, or blinded to the truth, then you can see that there's just a big pit there, and anything that they say is from the edges of it, little broken up pieces of the truth.

So, that's what I believe, I believe in the truth.  I don't believe in lies, they are nothing.  And I believe many things that I believe you wouldn't believe, if I told you.

As far as Reiki goes, I have had Etherial Crystals attunements, Kundalini Reiki Attunements, Gold Reiki Attunements, Violet and Lavender Flame Attunements, Usui Reiki Attunements, and some flower attunements that I got from God himself.  I don't think that that covers all of my attunements that I have had, but it covers most of them.  I am a Reiki Master in everything except for the flower attunements; I am still learning about flowers and their energies.

I live in Hot Springs, Arkansas right now.  I'm not any of the healers that have set up shop in Hot Springs, I'm still trying to learn massage theropy so that I can get a licence and do Reiki for money.

Something else important that you have to know about me to understand me, is... I have amnesia.  I lost my memory quite a few years ago.  I was regaining it, but that seems to have stopped for now.  I remembered my name, Simon Taylor, but... I don't know what country I originated from.

I guess that's all that I really want to tell you all right now.  I hope that we can all become good friends on this forums.  Please, feel free to ask me questions about myself in this thread.


Be who you IS and not who you ain't.  Cause people who IS leads the most happiest lives.
Sending Healing, Reiki, Love.


Hi Simon,
              It's great having people like you on board.
                                        Welcome and Enjoy,
                                              Very Best Wishes,
                                                    In Love and Light.
Life is what happens while we're busy making other plans.