
Our Essence is the Spiritual and Physical manifestations of what the Divine Source wants for us. Our Essence desires to be it's Full-self on all Planes.



Hi could someone please explain Ki-breathing please thank you tom.

Che Guebuddha

Hi tom9437,
Im sorry for being here at the time you posted this question :) I hope this reply finds you well and happy.

Here is a very good page explaining Ki-breathing (breathing meditation practiced in Aikido created by Koichi Tohei)
NOTE; there is a 30 second reccomendation for both exhale and inhale, ignore that for now and do as much as you feel you can. The important thing is to inhale very slowly through your nose as slow as possible and do the same with the exhale. Do at least 2 seconds pause after both.

May you be happy
Everything works if you let it be. A Sage does nothing and yet achieves everything.