
Our Essence is the Spiritual and Physical manifestations of what the Divine Source wants for us. Our Essence desires to be it's Full-self on all Planes.

STAND SURE-Reiki for People & Critters


Hi, my name is Dee.  I've been a Reiki Master for 11 years now. I am attuned to the Usui Reiki.
I was led to Reiki after prayer for my husband who has a back injury and my love for animals,
I just have a passion to help others heal and to spread the light.
The Reiki has indeed helped my husband, prior to taking Reiki my husband's back would lock up and he was unable to get off the floor somedays, he still needs Reiki but his back never locks up like it did, he is able to a lot of heavy work as we live in the country.  I've sent Reiki to many friends and family who have requested it, all of them love it.  I love setting up grids for distance healing.
I am very nature orientated. I also have some training courses from a lady who trained with Dorreen Virtue basically on how to connect with Angels and work with them, this has been a great help for me and has helped me help and counsel others.  The Reiki Energy is always full of love, light, comfort and healing, one thing I have always marveled at is how it had just changed some peoples lives who have been struggling either physically or emotionally.
I do not charge for Reiki, I do not have a website yet but will within the next year or so.
Be blessed, be full of self love & peace, be free to be you, as others and mother earth need your light.


so sorry I never saw your post earlier!
Attunement to angels I've found comes by meditiation.  Dorreen Virture has a meditation tape she sells called  Angel Therapy meditations,  the description of the meditiation from Dorreen is that it
allows you to open up to the power of the Arc Angels.
If you want a special attunement to a certain Angel such as Arc Angel Michael or Rapheal I would suggest that first.  Both Rapheal and Michael work extensively with healers, I have attunements to both of them and have had some awesome experiences.  Like a Reiki attunement I would kind of take it a bit at a time, decide who you would like to be attuned to, then I could also be of assistance to you with  providing you with a guided meditation.
be blessed