
        Just for today... I will not worry, I will not anger, I will do my work Honestly, I will give Thanks, I will Honour all living beings

Link to healing experiments


Hello to all - especially to moderators Sumer and Coin. What a wonderful public forum.

I would like to make you aware of a new website called I hope that you will consider this post appropriate since it falls within the guidelines of providing an experience that is of benefit to the world, and relevant to the cause of Reiki.

The purpose of this website is to facilitate experiments on the use of human intention and its effects on the universe around us. Currently, the structure of our world and most everything we do or support in our societies is based on the physical senses. Ideas that the human mind can influence the physical universe around us are discarded by many as stories without substance. Very little funding for scientific research, including medical research, is used to explore the potential implications of human intention because of this shortage of organized data.

One Data Point at a Time is just what it sounds like. Rather than providing streams of data on small things, we will endeavor to prove the influence of human intention through structured experiments by creating events that are deemed impossible, or have had no other discernible influence placed upon them. Successful results will be labeled One Data Point, and "the story" will be described in a fashion acceptable to the scientific community. Then, just in case some would say that the first experiment was an anomaly, other experiments of similar nature will follow, one data point after another.

There is a Public Forum as well, and the 1st series of experiments on energy healing is scheduled to start this month. We are looking for distance healers to register and be a part of the experiments and for all to register and be a part of the forum and experience. There is also a Marketplace where can promote their public forum. You can click on the following for a 1 minute YouTube video